Message from the Vagabond:
Well I am currently on the boat in Florida, about to set sail to Panama, via Cuba and Providencia. I am in the process of working on a few projects for all of you, but without the proper equipment it hasn’t been easy.
While in the United States I was able to use the constant resources of the friends, but as I kick off into the ocean and visit more secluded regions of the world those resources will be severely lacking.
Therefore I have created a page on Patreon where you, if you wish, can support me in my future improvements to the site, the blog posts, more videos and music.
According to Wikipedia, “Patreon is a crowdfunding platform popular with YouTube content creators, musicians, and webcomic artists. It allows artists to obtain funding from their fans or patrons, on a recurring basis, or per artwork.”
Click this link here and check out my profile to pledge your support:
Also check out this video explaining why I am going to try Patreon:
If you have any questions, or suggestions please email me, or comment right on this blog post.
I hope to have some great content out there for you shortly.
Until then thank you for your continued support and I love you all,
Stevie Vagabond

In the meantime head over to Linus’ FB page for some occasional updates from SV Contango as we make our way through the Gulf of Mexico.
Ill try to get a few photos up along the way as well on my IG: @stevievagabond.
Also don’t forget to check me out on YouTube: Stevie Vagabond
And lastly, when I get the chance I will have the blog posts up for you to find out how the crossing went!