An itinerary of a 10 day trip in the America Midwest for photographers and adventurers, and couples. Read more →

An itinerary of a 10 day trip in the America Midwest for photographers and adventurers, and couples. Read more →
Morning Prayer EP Shadows Road Trip As I said in the post for the Humanity Prayer, my music journey really began when Gustaff Besungu took me under his wing and on his EP Shadows Road Trip tour around the United States in 2016. At that moment I had hoped to have an album of my own to share, but did… Read more →
Humanity Prayer (Yá Bahá’u’l-Abhá) EP Shadows Road Trip Initially the Humanity Prayer song came about just before I went on the EP Shadows Road Trip tour with Gustaff Besungu. Up until then, although I performed on the streets to fund my travels, I had not identified myself as a musician. But when Gustaff asked if I would join him on… Read more →
On November 11th of this year (2017) I strapped up my boots for the final match of my competitive soccer career with Vancouver Island University Mariners in a CCAA Nationals gold medal game vs. the Douglas Royals. Not the most exciting of matches, and I didn’t get on until the last 30 seconds of the game, but none the less we came… Read more →
Arriving to the Czech Republic On my way to the Czech Republic I had two layovers. Just a quick one in the early morning of December 19th and then a long overnight stay in Amsterdam that same day. I made the most of it by linking up with my crazy, and big hearted Dutch friend Jochem, whom I met years… Read more →
“Ye are the leaves of one tree and the drops of one ocean.” – Baha’u’llah Dear Friends!! I am now wrapping up my last couple weeks of the University semester in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. VIU has treated me well and it has been such a great experience to strap up the old soccer boots and get back out on the… Read more →
Back to the Beginning of Stevie the Vagabond Roll back to the first year of my travels as Stevie the Vagabond in the summer of 2013. I was halfway across Canada already, playing guitar on the streets while living out of my car. There was a big youth conference hosted by the Baha’i Community in Toronto with thousands of youth… Read more →
The “Crewing To Panama” experience was one full of tests for me personally and not a lot of time for reflection. I left the boat in somewhat of a chaotic state and therefor, right off the bat, did not have too much time for reflection then either. Instead I was thrown right into the next adventure of my journey and that… Read more →
Message from the Vagabond: Well I am currently on the boat in Florida, about to set sail to Panama, via Cuba and Providencia. I am in the process of working on a few projects for all of you, but without the proper equipment it hasn’t been easy. While in the United States I was able to use the constant resources… Read more →