Back to the Beginning of Stevie the Vagabond Roll back to the first year of my travels as Stevie the Vagabond in the summer of 2013. I was halfway across Canada already, playing guitar on the streets while living out of my car. There was a big youth conference hosted by the Baha’i Community in Toronto with thousands of youth… Read more →
Tag: epshadows
“Prayer for Humanity” Bahai Blog | Studio Sessions
Hey friends, it has been a while since my last post, but here is a video of me performing one of my songs for Bahai Blog – Studio Sessions. Back in January before I left Key West I had a friend (Kyle Schmalenberg) visiting who was filming for Bahai Blog. He asked to record a song for the Studio Sessions… Read more →
Salt Lake City, Utah – Reunion with friends!
The drive through south Montana and Idaho to Utah was spectacular. Gustaff and I made sure to stop when we saw anything worth soaking in. Our favorite was this frozen lake in Idaho called Henrys Lake. We arrived at our destination after daylight once again, but this time we were greeted with friends of Gustaff’s whom he hadn’t seen since before… Read more →