An itinerary of a 10 day trip in the America Midwest for photographers and adventurers, and couples. Read more →

An itinerary of a 10 day trip in the America Midwest for photographers and adventurers, and couples. Read more →
The drive through south Montana and Idaho to Utah was spectacular. Gustaff and I made sure to stop when we saw anything worth soaking in. Our favorite was this frozen lake in Idaho called Henrys Lake. We arrived at our destination after daylight once again, but this time we were greeted with friends of Gustaff’s whom he hadn’t seen since before… Read more →
On April 11th Gustaff, my parents, and I set off on a long drive towards Livingston, Montana. The speed limit was high and the roads were winding. We made a few stops for some wonderful views and a lot of pee breaks (we were well hydrated), and this caused us to spend a lot of time driving after daylight. We… Read more →