“Prayer for Humanity” Bahai Blog | Studio Sessions

Hey friends, it has been a while since my last post, but here is a video of me performing one of my songs for Bahai Blog – Studio Sessions.

Back in January before I left Key West I had a friend (Kyle Schmalenberg) visiting who was filming for Bahai Blog. He asked to record a song for the Studio Sessions section while he was there too, so we collaborated with Ben Pegg and Tory Mata. It was a nice little side project during a busy time for me in preparation for the EP Shadows Road Trip, and I am very excited to share it with you now!

The song I chose is titled “Prayer for Humanity” as it is from a prayer by the son of Baha’u’llah (the Prophet Founder of the Bahai Faith), named Abdu’l-Baha. This is one of my favorite prayers, it embodies one of the biggest reasons I connected with the Faith in the first place and the most important remedy for our worlds current pains and afflictions… UNITY. As a Bahai myself this is a reminder for me that my job is not to go out and convert people, or change anyone in any way, it is simply to play my part in uniting the human family. Every time I sing this song it is my honest plea for humanity to seek unity in this beautifully diverse existence.

“Gather all people beneath the shadow of Thy bounty and cause them to unite in harmony…”

Feel free to share it, like it, subscribe to Bahai Blog, and/or find me on YouTube as well where you can watch and listen to more songs and other fun videos of my travels around the world.


Photo of Stevie Vagabond Iwaszko and Tory Mata performing "Prayer for Humanity" for Bahai Blog Studio Sessions


Yá Bahá’u’l-Abhá!!!


Here’s the video on YouTube by Bahai Blog:


One last note:

“Ya Baha’u’l-Abha” is a Bahai greeting, an invocation that says ‘Oh Thou Glory of Glories’. Much like other greetings such as ‘aloha’, ‘namaste’, or ‘adios’.

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